Coloring Books!

61XE3k-wxnL._SY493_BO1,204,203,200_A few weeks go, after starting to see all of these “adult coloring books” advertised and talked about, I decided to buy one and check it out.  So I ordered this one:

Enchanted Forest: An Inky Quest & Coloring Book, by Johanna Basford 

And I have been really, really enjoying it!  It allows me to be creative without expending the energy that actually drawing and/or painting requires.  It’s kind of mindless but still creatively satisfying and I am very pleased to be able to spend time here and there coloring these very cool pictures.  It also is giving me practice using markers and other media.  I really love working with colors.  Here are a couple pictures from this book that I completed (although these pages are difficult to scan very well because of the book’s size):

coloring2 coloring1







The apparent success of these adult coloring books – and the fact that there are so very many to choose from – tells me that there are apparently a lot of creative people out there who do not realize they are creative.  A lot of people do not believe they can draw, but anyone can color, right?  Interesting. 

All I know is that there is a new thing out there that I really like!  And perhaps it is another – and new – way for me to sell my drawing talents. (Hmmm…)

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