
Starting Wild, by Cheryl Strayed right now (1/16/13).

1/20/13 – I finished this book this morning.  And what a wonderful, wonderful book it was.  This woman writes so well, so clear and true; and near the beginning, where she writes about the death of her mother, I felt it so acutely – it brought me back so close to the occasion of my own mother’s death, that I found myself sobbing.  My sister had the same experience.  And today would be my mother’s 83rd birthday.  I miss her.

But the book soon moved on to describe her experiences hiking the Pacific Crest Trail, and again, it was so vivid – I found myself wishing that I could have done the same thing back when I was younger.  This book was very moving, and I am very glad to have read it.

Here is a video my sister found after reading this book that conveys what the experience is like.  I also really like the Coldplay music that goes with it, and so very well and appropriately.  This is great:

The Pacific Crest Trail Hike

I marked a passage in this book that I loved; this was towards the end of the book:

“There were so many …amazing things in this world.  They opened up inside of me like a river.  Like I didn’t know I could take a breath and then I breathed.  I laughed with the joy of it, and the next moment I was crying my first tears on the PCT.  …I wasn’t crying because I was happy.  I wasn’t crying because I was sad.  I wasn’t crying because of my mother or my father….  I was crying because I was full.  Of those fifty-some hard days on the trail and of the 9,760 days that had come before them too.”


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