Illustrated Journals

In the fall of 2008 – after I’d begun going to Molly’s ADD Group – I purchased this book Creative License” by Danny Gregory.

It took me a while to read this book – I was trying to break through my mental blocks around drawing with Molly’s help.

But in June of 2009, I decided to try my hand at an “artist’s journal,” and bought myself a notebook.  Here is what my first attempt at “visual journaling” looked like:

I gave this up very quickly.  The paper I was using was not meant for drawing, for one thing, and it didn’t suit me for writing either.  And I really just did not know how to do this.

Then during the summer of 2011, I found another couple of books that again made me interested in doing a visual, or “artist” journal:

The Moonlight Chronicles, by Dan Price


An Illustrated Life, by Danny Gregory



I then found a really nice little journal with good heavy paper, and in October, I decided to give it another try.

I did a bit better here, but I didn’t continue this very long either.  My life just doesn’t seem interesting enough.  Will I ever manage to keep a visual/artist journal?  I do not know.  But it never hurts to try again!

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