More ruminations….
I just realized that it has been TEN YEARS since I left Kansas and, with my mother and my then 3-year-old little boy, came back home to California. Ten years since I closed the era of my life that culminated with my divorce. 10 years!
- I lost my mother along the way
- I’ve been growing into myself and who I really am
- …and watching my son grow from a little boy into a young man.
I have learned so much. I have come so far. I have done a lot of healing and I am mostly content, and that is a wonderful thing. I have gained so much clarity, more than I ever believed possible. And that is also an incredibly wonderful thing. I used to be so often “lost in the muck” in my brain. Plagued by unresolved emotions, confusion and pain. And I have become convinced that it is those things that cause the condition called “ADD;” that it is an emotional/psychological condition that can be “cured” by HEALING. It is about growth and learning. Our brains are quite capable of growing, changing, rewiring, rearranging and remapping themselves; at least as far as I am aware.
And as for what is considered a “syndrome,” “disorder,” “disease” – well it is pretty much just a case of semantics. The only thing that really matters is the way we think about it. And the “labels” just give us a way of talking about it. It’s all kind of meaningless if you ask me. But then again, I could be wrong.
It’s been raining a lot. Sort of fits my mood – trying to cope with not smoking…