I finally finished my 31-point-plan. And I don’t know what the deal is with BIRDS this month, but I think it started with what I came up with for Dalton’s birthday card. I worked on this for a couple days – it’s been a while since I designed a card from scratch:
So I must’ve had birds on my mind!
And my 31-point-plan evolved from there:
At first, what came to mind, was “Stairway to Heaven.”
Then, as I continued drawing the birds, I thought of “Birds Fly,” and that song got stuck in my head (Whisper to a Scream):
My son is 15 years old today. TIME FLIES – just like birds…
So there you have it: BIRDS. 🙂
…And, what do you know: February is National Bird-Feeding Month!
National Bird-Feeding Month
(I must have known….)
Happy February!
And Happy Birthday to my son!