Instead of doing a “Satisfaction Wheel” this year, I decided to use a tool I learned about during my “Goals Group” back in 2008. The idea is that we only have a finite amount of time and resources available to us and using pennies to represent that time/resources, we can see which life areas most of our “pennies” have gone into.
It has become obvious to me that most of my “pennies” (or in this case, doing this on my computer, I chose coffee beans as my “pennies”), have been in the areas of Health (due to my battle with shoulder pain/dysfunction), Relationships (representing time and energies spent regarding my son), and Career/Work (in light of how hard I worked all year). But I still attended to other areas as much as I was able, and at least I remained aware of my desire to retain balance in my life.
And this tool of course goes hand-in-hand with my Annual Summary (which is unfortunately quite long this year, but it seemed necessary).
HAPPY 2015!