These last couple of months I have been so ridiculously busy that I have barely had time to keep this up! This post may be dated the first of October, but I am actually doing it on the 11th. Oh well, at least it’s done!
October was originally the eighth month of the Roman calendar and thus it’s name literally means “Eight.”
October Facts
- The Anglo-Saxons called October Winterfylleth (or Winterfilth as Tolkien’s hobbits put it) meaning the ‘fullness’ of winter.
- The Welsh for October is Hydref (originally Hyddfref), a word signifying the lowing of cattle.
- In Catholic Europe in 1582, October had only 21 days. Changing from Julian to Gregorian calendar, the days from 5-14 October were omitted.
- According to a recent study in Italy, October is the best month for conceiving a boy baby.
- October is also reported to be National Pizza Month.
When most of us think of October, we tend to think of Halloween. It seems to me that this holiday gets more popular every year. Some people start putting up their spooky decorations at the beginning of the month! And of course the stores have had Halloween merchandise on display for even longer than that. At least in the US, Halloween has become a very big deal. But that’s ok with me – I like it too!
And in that spirit, here is my 31-point-plan for October: